Our Competitions
We’ll be attending the RoboMaster North American University League next year!
RoboMaster North American League 2024
We attended the RoboMaster North American League held at the University of Colorado!
RoboMaster North American League 2023
Held in Seattle by the University of Washington, we tied with Purdue University and placed 5th! Our team successfully adapted to the annual rule changes, including the transformation of the sentry into a ground-autonomous robot, allowing us to excel in the 3v3 competition.
RoboMaster North American League 2022
Held at Texas A&M University, we entered the competition with an increased number of robots, improved their quality, and developed better strategies from the year prior. With the increased competition we were able to place 5th and took home the 2nd prize!
RoboMaster North American League 2021
Making our competition debut at the North American League 2021 at Texas A&M University, we placed 3rd!

Competition Information
Competition Schedule
The RoboMaster North American League 2024 competition took place between June 13 - June 19.
Competition Location
Shenzhen, China
The RoboMaster International competition is held in Shenzhen, China. With over 180 teams and 7000 students participating, RoboMaster is the most complex university robotics competition in the world!
Boulder, Colorado
RoboMaster North American League 2024 will be hosted by the University of Colorado.
Seattle, Washington
RoboMaster North American League 2023 was hosted by the University of Washington.